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Oklahoma State University


Sun, March 10 2019 - 12:00 pm
Argonia, KS
Come and join us on our Fun Fly taking place in Argonia Kansas!
Sat, March 30 2019 - 12:00 pm
Argonia, KS
The Second Argonia Cup takes place at our favorite launch site in Argonia, KS and is hosted by the Kloudbusters rocketry club. It takes place in late March this year and is great for young teams like ours. The objective of the competition is to take a golf ball payload to 8000 feet and recover the golf ball as close to the launch site as possible. The rocket is limited to an L motor and must adhere to typical safety rules of rocket stability for ascent and descent. we will be there from 3/30 through 3/31.
Thu, August 29 2019 - 12:00 pm
Argonia, KS
We will be on site from 8/29 through 9/2 in Argonia KS. 
Sat, October 12 2019 - 12:15 pm
Argonia, KS
Come and visit with us for the Argonia October Fun Fly from 10/12 through 10/13.
Sat, November 09 2019 - 12:15 pm
Argonia, KS
Distant Thunder will take place from 11/9 through 11/10.